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Brand and Logo Redesign

Reinvent Yourself


A Complete Guide To Branding And Logo Redesign

We are aware that “I’m Loving It” undoubtedly alludes to a Big Mac.We know which sports brand advised us to “Just Do It.”

Furthermore, who wouldn’t want to go to “The Happiest Place on Earth” to meet Mickey and Minnie?

Big consumer companies like McDonald’s, Nike, and Disney are well-known to the majority of us—thanks to their memorable advertising efforts, which have ensured that we know who they are.

Is the brand of your business as iconic? Have you invested in building your brand?

The Importance Of Branding

Branding is essential for any business, regardless of size or industry. It is the foundation of your business, and it represents your company’s values, mission, and personality.

A strong brand can help your company establish trust and recognition in the market, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and create a unique identity.

Here are further reasons why branding is important:

-Trust: When customers trust your brand, they are more likely to do business with you.

-Recognition: You are more likely to be remembered and recommended to others by customers who recognize your brand.

-Differentiation: A strong brand can help differentiate you from your competitors, making you stand out in a crowded market.

-Loyalty: Customers loyal to your brand are more likely to continue doing business with it and recommend it to others.

We are aware that “I’m Loving It” undoubtedly alludes to a Big Mac.We know which sports brand advised us to “Just Do It.”

Furthermore, who wouldn’t want to go to “The Happiest Place on Earth” to meet Mickey and Minnie?

Big consumer companies like McDonald’s, Nike, and Disney are well-known to the majority of us—thanks to their memorable advertising efforts, which have ensured that we know who they are.

Is the brand of your business as iconic? Have you invested in building your brand?

Branding Communicates the Message

Branding communicates your company’s message to the public.

A well-designed logo is an essential part of a company’s branding, as it is often the first thing people see when they come into contact with your company. Thus, a logo should be simple and easy to recognize, and it should also be representative of your company’s values and message.

Business Must Be Visual

In today’s highly visual world, it is more important than ever for you to have a strong visible presence.

Any successful branding plan must include the creation of a unified and efficient brand identity. Make efforts to translate your company’s core principles into visual components that will be applied to various marketing goals and elements, such as:

-Company Logo


-Social Media Page

-Product Packaging


This will involve research and attention to detail. Also, you should set standards for how your brand will be represented on numerous platforms to ensure consistency.

Tips For Establishing Your Brand

Establishing your brand is a process that takes time, effort, and dedication. However, with the following tips, you can create a strong brand that resonates with your target audience:

-Understand who your target audience is, what they need, and what they want. By doing this, you will develop a brand that appeals to them.

-Define the values that your brand represents. You’ll be able to create better messaging and content that aligns with your brand values.

-Maintain consistency across all platforms and mediums, including your website, social media, print materials, and products.

-Use storytelling to communicate your brand values and mission. In turn, your customers will connect with your brand and understand what it represents.

-Invest in quality design for your logo, website, and other materials.

-Invest in marketing efforts to promote your brand and reach your target audience, such as paid advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing.

-Be authentic in your branding efforts. Your brand should reflect your company's values, mission, and personality.

Logo 101

Logo Evolution

The evolution of logos is a fascinating subject that showcases how design trends and technology have changed over time.

Logos have gone from being detailed symbols to muted and simplistic 2-D logos that pronounce corporate strength.

In the early days of logos, they were often intricate, with many different elements, colors, and symbols. They were designed to be memorable and eye-catching and often included a lot of information about the company or organization.

However, as technology advanced and design trends changed, logos shifted towards a more minimalistic approach. The simpler logos trend began in the 1960s and 1970s, with companies like IBM and Apple leading the way. Logos have been designed with more versatility, are easy to reproduce, and often feature clean lines and simple shapes.

Today, many logos are designed to be even more minimalistic, with just a few simple lines or shapes representing the company or organization. This trend towards simplicity is driven by the need for logos that are easy to recognize and remember, as well as the desire for logos that look good in any size or format.

Types of Logo Forms

There are different types of logo forms that have been used over the years. The most common forms are the wordmark, pictorial, abstract, mascot, and emblem.

Wordmark Logo

-a logo made up of text only, often the company name or initials

-useful for businesses that have a name that is recognizable and easy to remember

Pictorial Logo

-uses an image or illustration to represent the company or organization

-useful for businesses that want to convey a specific message or image, such as a car company using a picture of a car as their logo

Abstract Logo

-uses abstract shapes or symbols to represent the company or organization

-useful for businesses that want to convey a more abstract or conceptual message, such as a consulting firm using a maze to represent problem-solving challenges

Mascot Logo

-uses a character or mascot to represent the company or organization

-useful for businesses that want to create a friendly and approachable image, such as a fast food restaurant with a cartoon character

Emblem Logo

-is made up of text and a symbol or illustration often encased in a shape such as a circle or a shield

-useful for businesses that want to convey a sense of tradition or heritage, such as a school using an emblem with its name and the year of their founding

Anatomy of an Effective Logo

A logo is a visual representation of a company’s identity and values. It’s an essential part of your company’s branding, so it must be carefully designed.

An effective logo should be simple, easily recognizable, and timeless. It should also be versatile and can be used across different platforms and mediums, including the company’s website, social media, print materials, and products.

By incorporating these key elements, a logo can be an effective tool for building brand recognition and creating a lasting impression on your customers:

-Simplicity: A simple logo is easy to recognize and remember. It should be easy to reproduce and identify in different sizes and formats.

-Symbolism: A logo should have an easily recognizable and relevant symbol or icon representing your company’s values and mission.

-Color: Choose the color of your logo carefully. Use ones that are appropriate to the company’s values and mission.

-Typography: Opt for a simple, easy-to-read typology consistent with the company’s brand.

-Uniqueness: Design a unique logo that stands out from your competitors.

At LOJO, we understand the importance of an effective logo in digital marketing. Our team of experts can work with you to create a logo that stands out and helps build your brand. We follow a comprehensive process and incorporate the latest best practices to ensure the best possible outcome.

Professional Vs. Do-It-Yourself

When it comes to creating a logo and branding, there are two main options: hiring a professional logo designer or doing it yourself.

While many online tools and software allow you to create a logo quickly and easily, it is important to remember that a logo is the face of your company—and it must be well-designed and representative of your company’s identity. Hiring a professional logo designer will ensure that you get a logo that is just that.

Experienced Logo Designers Build Identity

A good logo can be the center of the branding but should be recognizable just in one look. Professional logo designers understand this. They have the experience and expertise to create a memorable and effective logo, and they will work closely with you to create a logo that is perfect for your business.

Branding and Logo Redesign

A brand and logo redesign can revitalize your company’s image and position in the market, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

But how do you know when it’s time for a brand and logo redesign?

Here are a few signs that indicate it’s time for a change:

-Your brand and logo are outdated.

-Your brand and logo no longer represent your company’s values or mission.

-Your brand and logo are not consistent across all platforms.

-Your brand and logo are not easily recognizable.

Creating a Strong Brand

Creating a strong brand is a process that involves understanding your business, your target audience, and your competitors.

At LOJO, we can help you create a strong brand by researching, creating a plan, and designing a brand that represents your company’s values and mission.

Our team of experts can help you with the following:

-Branding Strategy that outlines your company’s values, mission, and personality

-Brand Identity that includes a logo, color palette, and typography

-Brand Messaging that communicates your company’s values and mission

-Brand Implementation across all platforms and mediums, including your website, social media, print materials, and products

Tips for Branding and Logo Redesign

Here are our top five tips for branding and logo redesign:

-Keep it simple: Avoid unnecessary elements and keep the design simple as it is easy to recognize and remember.

-Make it flexible: Design a brand and logo that can be used across different mediums and platforms.

-Timelessness: Make sure your brand and logo stand the test of time.

-Incorporate the company’s values and mission: The design should represent the company’s values and mission statement.

-Consistency: Make the design consistent across all platforms and mediums.

By following these tips, you can create a brand and logo that is simple, flexible, timeless, and consistent with your company’s values and mission.

How Can LOJO Help With Your Brand Development Needs

We are a team of marketing and branding experts, content creators, and visual artists who can help you build your brand from the ground up. While a good number of our clients are from the local communities, our seasoned marketing and branding experts have helped them reach their global audience using customer-focused strategies and consistent, unified branding.

The Branding And Logo Redesign Process

At LOJO Marketing, we follow a comprehensive process for branding and logo redesigns that ensures the best possible outcome.

Our process includes the following steps:

-Researching to understand your business, your target audience, and your competitors

-Creating a plan that outlines the goals and objectives of the redesign

-Creating a design that represents your company’s values and mission, is simple, flexible, and timeless.

-Developing a consistent brand and logo across all platforms

-Testing the brand and logo to ensure it works correctly on all platforms and mediums

-Launching the new brand and logo and monitoring its performance

Your Success Is Our Success

Brand development is a meticulous process that involves creativity and communication between you and our team. Our core value is to design a brand and its visual representations that truly reflect your company.

To further help you boost your brand awareness and ultimately drive sales, we also offer digital marketing packages that include social media management, PPC campaigns, SEO, email, and other paid adverts.

We can work with you to create a brand and logo that meets the criteria and helps establish trust and recognition in the market. Our services include:

-Company Logo

-Branding Standards Document

-Business Card Design

-Company Letterhead (Digital and Print)

-Email Signature Composition

-Company Flyer Design

-Thank You Card Design

-Envelope Design

Your brand will serve as the backbone of your marketing by giving a memorable impression to your target audience. Furthermore, branding allows your customers to know what to expect from your product and service and what makes you different from your competitors.

In marketing, your brand must be presented in a way that is consistent and clear. This means that your company logo, color scheme, font, tagline, and “overall feel” should be the same on all platforms and media.

By working with LOJO, you can ensure that your brand and logo are up-to-date, visually appealing, and easily recognizable.

Don’t let an outdated brand and logo hold you back. Contact us today, and let us help you take your digital marketing efforts to the next level.