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Retargeting & Remarketing

Maximize Your Online Success


A Complete Guide to Retargeting and Remarketing

Did you know that 92% of first-time site visitors to your website won’t make a purchase in their initial interaction with your website?

This can be a frustrating statistic for business owners and marketers. But worry not; there’s a solution—

retargeting and remarketing.

These powerful marketing strategies allow you to stay top-of-mind with potential customers to bring them back to your website to complete a purchase.

Let’s dive into the ins and outs of retargeting and remarketing, and we’ll show you how to use them to drive real results for your business.

What is Retargeting and Remarketing?

Retargeting and remarketing marketing strategies enable businesses to keep their brand in front of people who have previously expressed interest in their products or services. Specifically, retargeting refers to the practice of showing ads to people who have visited a business’s website but did not make a purchase. You could do this by placing a tracking cookie on the visitor’s browser, which allows you to show targeted ads to the person as they browse the Internet.

Remarketing, on the other hand, shows ads to people who have previously engaged with a business’s ad or website. Examples are those who made a purchase, signed up for a newsletter, or completed some other actions on your website.

Before we continue digging deeper, let us revisit the journey that a typical buyer goes through before they make a purchase and see where retargeting and remarketing come into play.

The Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey is the process a person goes through when considering a purchase, from the moment they become aware of their need or desire for a product or service.Thanks to the Internet, consumers can now easily access information about the products they want. They can read reviews and search for options using their smartphones, giving them more control during the sales process.

Awareness Stage

In the awareness stage, the person becomes aware that they have a need or desire for a product or service. This can happen through various means, such as seeing an ad, hearing about a product from a friend, or doing research online. During this time, they may look at resources that allow them to understand their issue better.

Consideration Stage

Once the problem has been named, the buyer goes into the consideration stage. Here, the person begins researching and comparing different options to meet their needs or desires. They may visit multiple websites, compare prices and features, and look for reviews or recommendations.

Decision Stage

In this last stage, the person makes a purchase and becomes a customer.

Where Retargeting and Remarketing Come In

Retargeting and remarketing can come into play at any stage of the buyer’s journey.

For example, if someone is in the awareness stage and sees an ad for a product that meets their need, they are more likely to click on the ad and visit the website. Suppose they don’t make a purchase on their visit, you can use retargeting to show targeted ads to that person as they browse the Internet to bring them back to the website and complete a purchase.

Meanwhile, suppose someone is in the consideration stage and has already visited your website. In that case, you can use remarketing to show targeted ads to them as they continue researching their options. This can help you stay top-of-mind with potential customers and increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

In the succeeding sections, we’ll explain what you need to know about retargeting and remarketing.

You can use these powerful tools to stay engaged with potential customers throughout the buyer’s journey.

What are the Types of Retargeting?

"Although a user becomes somewhat less likely to click on a remarketing ad, over time, those who do click are more than twice as likely to convert." - Larry Kim (Founder and CEO of Mobile Monkey)

Retargeting is a form of digital marketing where you send ads specifically to people who have visited your website or are included in your database.

Ideally, the more they see your ad, the more favorably they’ll view your product. And this, eventually, will make them more likely to buy.

There are several types of retargeting that you can use, with their own specific purpose and target audience. This include:

Search Retargeting

This type of retargeting shows ads to people who searched for specific keywords related to their business’s products or services. The goal is to target people who are actively searching for what the business has to offer.

Website Retargeting

This type of retargeting shows ads to people who have visited a business’s website but did not make a purchase. You want to bring these potential customers to your website to complete a purchase or take some other desired action.

Social Media Retargeting

Social media retargeting shows ads to people who checked a business’s social media page or engaged with its content. Using this technique keeps your brand top-of-mind with these potential customers and encourages them to visit your website and make a purchase.

Email Retargeting

Last but not least, email remarketing shows ads to people who have signed up for a business’s email list or opened or clicked an email.

Know What Works

Most marketers use search retargeting to increase their brand awareness. It’s no surprise that many marketers are already running at least one campaign for search retargeting; it’s the type with some of the highest returns, after all.

However, other retargeting types can also effectively reach and engage with potential customers. You should familiarize yourself with various retargeting campaigns and choose the most suitable for your product and audience. Consider using a combination of different types of retargeting to maximize your conversion and achieve your revenue goals.

What Is Remarketing?

Remarketing is the act of reaching out to your audience who have previously interacted with your brand. This may involve sending emails to potential buyers who have added products to their carts but didn’t complete their purchases.

Although remarketing is largely similar to retargeting campaigns, there is a key difference between the two in terms of strategy.

The main difference is the focus on bringing people who have visited the website but not made a purchase (retargeting) versus showing ads to those who have already engaged in your business in some way (remarketing).

With remarketing campaigns, you are primarily sending product features, unique offers, or discount codes to high-intent audiences. As such, this involves a lot of information gathering and list creation.

Importance of Remarketing

It takes a while for buyers to move from the awareness stage to the decision stage. Most folks won’t discover a problem, choose a solution, and buy a product/service in just one sitting.

Also, buyers now have access to a ton of information and choices about what they need. They will thus take some time to read about a brand and know what other customers have to say about a certain product before they make a decision. That’s why you should remain on the potential customer’s radar throughout the buyer’s journey. You want to be their first choice even though they’re still shopping around and exploring options. Remarketing allows you to build brand awareness and loyalty. By sending relevant and useful messages to your audience, you’ll make a positive impression and make people more likely to buy from you.

Ultimately, this helps your overall conversion and revenue goals.

Email Remarketing

If you’re running a remarketing campaign, you’ll primarily use email marketing strategies. You’ll target bounced users, shoppers who have abandoned their cart, or previous customers. As with any email marketing campaign, you’ll need detailed and updated customer information to implement your remarketing campaign properly. Bear in mind though, shoppers require different kinds of content depending on where they are on the buyer’s journey. So don’t make the mistake of sending a templated message to everyone.

People in the awareness stage may want to read informational articles, while those in the consideration stage may look for expert guides. Lastly, buyers in the decision stage are ripe for product demonstrations and trials.

In addition, different buyer personas will require different types of content. If you’re selling a SaaS product, your email to C-level executives will differ from what you send to freelancers. Therefore, you’ll need relevant data and proper segmentation for a successful remarketing campaign.

What’s Right For Your Business?

It’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of retargeting and remarketing campaigns before you jump in. Carefully consider if these strategies will work to improve your business goals.


Immediate targeting.

Retargeting and remarketing campaigns use automation technology. With it, you can target users as soon as they leave your website, and your ads will appear on the first platform they visit. This requires little to no action from your end aside from the initial setup.

Maximizes site visitors.

With retargeting and remarketing strategies, you can maximize the conversion-potential of your site visitors. Even though they’ve initially bounced from your website, you get another chance to present your product and restart the sales process. These users are especially valuable since they’ve already displayed initial interest in your brand.

Targeted and specific.

Unlike traditional ad campaigns where your ad gets shown to Internet users at large, retargeting and remarketing campaigns allow you to narrow down to high-intent users.

Cheaper than traditional ads.

On average, retargeting ads have lower cost-per-click than traditional ads. This benefit doesn’t affect the effectiveness of your campaigns since retargeting ads enjoy the same, if not better, conversion rates. After all, your audience is already brand-aware and is more likely to convert.


May annoy users.

People value their privacy online. Some users may find it invasive to see ads for products they’ve just looked at. They may become turned off by your brand and end up avoiding your platform altogether.

Some shoppers may ignore.

Some users may easily ignore your retargeting ads and remarketing emails may. This is true if someone has installed an ad-blocker on their browser or filters out promotional emails. And even without this, some users may just get used to your ads if they keep seeing them repeatedly. As such, it’s important that you rotate your ads, make them interesting, and add a sense of urgency to your content.

Limited by the data you provide.

On their own, retargeting and remarketing may be unsustainable since your potential audience is limited to your site visitors and those included in your database. If you’re only starting and still getting to know your buyer’s persona, remarketing and retargeting may not work for you.

How Does Using This Marketing Strategy Affect Your Business?

The following are the benefits that retargeting and remarketing campaigns bring to your business:

Reach Interested Site Viewers Through Retargeting Strategies

Launching a retargeting campaign allows you to reach people who have expressed interest in your brand.

Although there are different retargeting strategies, the process usually begins by installing a tracking code on your website. This piece of software drops cookies on your site’s visitors, enabling retargeting platforms to track their activities and send them relevant ads.

Retargeting platforms like Google Ads, Criteo, and Adroll automate the entire process and can send ads as soon as the user leaves your page.

It’s a good idea to start your retargeting campaign by identifying pages on your website that high-intent people will visit. If someone visits your product pages, that indicates that they’re in the market for the products you are selling. By sending them targeted and specific ads, you can remind them about your product, entice them to revisit your website, and increase the likelihood that they’ll make a purchase.

If done effectively, a retargeting campaign helps improve brand awareness and increase sales. You also get to maximize your site visitors, bringing down your marketing costs.

Convert Your Leads Into Sale With Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing has the same logic as retargeting campaigns. At its core, remarketing is focused on reaching out to people who have displayed interest in your product or service.

However, remarketing follows a different approach from retargeting. Whereas retargeting is cookie-based, remarketing primarily uses emails.People who sign-up for your newsletter and free trials show that they need or want what you’re offering. This is especially true if they’ve already added items to their carts.

However, Internet users are bombarded with constant distractions. Even though they’re truly interested in your product, they might leave your website without finishing their purchase—and that’s when remarketing comes in.

If you’ve gathered your audience’s email addresses, you can send them customized emails and remind them to conclude their transaction. Likewise, you can email discount coupons to ensure they’ll ship out their items. In addition, you can also reach out to past customers and offer them new products or upsell a better version of your service.

A study found that you’re 14 times more likely to succeed in selling if you’re targeting an existing customer compared to a new lead.Although remarketing requires relevant contact information and proper segmentation, it’s more targeted and refined. It allows you to send relevant content to people who need them.

What Can LOJO Do For You?

Retargeting and remarketing are powerful tools to help your business reach your target audience and drive conversions. LOJO can assist you in drafting and implementing a comprehensive retargeting and remarketing strategy tailored to your business’s specific goal and audience.

Implementing Effective Retargeting and Remarketing

Retargeting and remarketing are great strategies if you’re looking to improve your brand awareness and boost your revenue. They give you another opportunity to interact with engaged and interested audiences, saving prospects that otherwise would’ve been lost.

These campaigns maximize the sales potential of your hard-earned website traffic. They are also cost-effective, if anything!Like any other marketing strategy, retargeting and remarketing efforts have pros and cons. There are opportunities when using them is the best way to achieve your marketing goals and instances where other tools would’ve been a better fit.

Understanding your buyer’s journey and gathering the necessary data are key to effective retargeting and remarketing campaigns. By sending the right message to the right people at the right time, you’ll end up helping your future clients find a solution to their problems.

Successful Retargeting and Remarketing for Your Business

If you want to engage with audiences who are interested in your brand, LOJO Marketing’s retargeting and remarketing packages can help you jumpstart this process. We’ll analyze your site traffic, segment your users, and launch retargeting ads based on your audience’s interactions with your website. We’ll also develop and send carefully curated remarketing emails that move readers into action.

Other Marketing Tools

If retargeting and remarketing strategies do not align with your digital marketing goals, consider other tools to help you in your journey. We offer packages that meet your unique business needs and budget. Connect with us to learn more.

Content Marketing

Establish your brand as an industry leader and grow your leads through high-quality, engaging content. At LOJO Marketing, we create blogs, emails, and newsletters that attract, engage and delight customers.

Paid Media Advertising

Leverage the analytical power of Google to target potential customers and show up on their search engines. We’ll help you create a paid media campaign that boosts your revenue while maintaining a positive ROI.

Comprehensive Marketing

At LOJO, we can help optimize your site to the top through our Comprehensive Marketing Plan, which includes quality content creation, SEO techniques, on-page and off-page optimization, and social media management.

In essence, we are a team of SEO space cadets who have mastered the art of propelling websites to the top using data and technology.

Get in touch with us now, and let’s discuss how our SEO services can help your business.