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Domain Registration

Be the Commander of Your Domain


A Complete Guide To Domain Registration

It can be overwhelming to navigate the digital world, from reaching new customers to keeping up with the latest marketing trends. But if you want to succeed in your business, you are expected to learn and do many things.

Securing your domain name is one way to establish your online presence. It may seem like a small detail, but it’s actually a crucial component.

Think of your domain name as your online address. Just like your physical address, it’s how people find your business online. It’s the first thing customers will see when they look for your business on search engines like Google or social media. And it also shows that you are serious about your business.

Running a business can be challenging, but securing your domain name can be a straightforward process with this guide. We give you comprehensive information to ensure your business has the online presence it needs to succeed. So, read on!

Understanding Domain Registration

Domain registration is the process of reserving a domain name, such as, for a specific period. This process ensures that your website or business has a unique and identifiable address on the Internet. Also, once a domain name is registered, another entity cannot use it without the registrant’s permission.

A registered domain name is essential for a business’s online presence, which makes it easy for your customers to find you. It is the foundation of a website and the first step to building a strong online brand.

Additionally, a registered domain name helps establish your credibility and professionalism, leading to increased customer trust and confidence.

In today’s digital age, having a registered domain name is more important than ever. With the vast majority of consumers turning to the Internet to research products and services , having a registered domain name can lead to the difference between reaching potential customers or missing out on valuable business opportunities.

Manual workflow process.

Not only is it more time-consuming than an automated workflow, but it’s also more expensive. That’s because it typically requires two or more employees to do tedious and repetitive tasks such as data entry, verification, sorting, scanning, reviewing, etc.

Another downside is the increased risk of human error. This generally takes more time to correct since the “physical” document must be passed from desk to desk.

And you need to repeat the same process to correct the mistakes. There’s also a risk that one team member may lose a document, leading to delays or errors.

Choosing A Domain Name

Choosing the right domain name is essential in the domain registration process. A domain name is often the first point of contact between a business and potential customers, so choose a memorable and relevant name.

Importance of Choosing the Right Domain Name

Here are reasons you’ll need to carefully think of your domain name as you digitize your business.

First Impressions Are Huge For Your Business

If someone visits a website with a boring or generic domain name, they may not even bother clicking through on any content links if they don’t see something interesting immediately.

They may also think that the site owner isn’t creative or doesn’t take pride in their work if the page looks unprofessional or outdated, which could be detrimental to future sales opportunities.

People Need To Be Able To Find You Easily

A bad choice of a domain name could mean that potential customers will never find you in the first place. And they may even choose one of your competitors instead.

Luckily there are plenty of ways to make sure that never happens. We will cover tips on creating a domain name in the next section.

Your Domain Name Is More Than Just A URL

Your domain name is a part of your brand, online identity, and reputation. Plus, it has the power to influence search engine ranking.

Domain names are extremely valuable because they provide instant recognition that builds customer trust. Your domain should also be clear and concise so people can easily find you online.

Tips for Selecting a Domain Name

Don’t let a lousy domain name drag down your business.

If your company is just getting started, you might think that a good domain name is just one of those things you have to put off until you’re a little more established.

But you couldn’t be more wrong!

The right domain name can pull your business up by the bootstraps and propel it into the stratosphere. It’s an opportunity to set the tone for your business and make a great first impression. But if you have a bad domain name, it could be hurting more than helping your business.

A domain name should be descriptive of what you do without being overly complicated or wordy—because that’s just annoying.

Following are some tips you can use as you decide on your website’s domain name.

Keep It Short And Simple

As you’re brainstorming domain names, remember that the simpler your URL is, the better. The more syllables and letters you add to your URL, the harder it will be for people to remember and type out.

Do not use a word with multiple meanings or connotations to avoid confusion. The more specific your domain name, the better. For example, starting a flower business and calling it “Flowers” is much less specific than “Loveflowers.”

But don’t be too specific either—you’ll want to leave room for future expansion or a change in direction.

Make It Memorable And Unique

A memorable domain name will stick in people’s minds, making it more likely for them to remember and visit your website. So spend some time thinking about what you want to call your website before you get started.

If you’re struggling to find something suitable, try brainstorming with friends or family. And don’t stop until you come up

with ideas that seem suitable for your business. They may have some great ideas that you hadn’t even considered before!

You can then narrow down those options by avoiding these bad practices:

-using the same name as a competitor (if possible)

-using words that sound similar to other words (e.g., don’t call yourself “web design” if there’s already someone else named Web Designs!)

-using words that are too generic (Pro tip: Do not use “the” unless it’s part of your actual brand name)

Use Keywords

Incorporating relevant keywords into your domain name can improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for people to find your website when searching for relevant topics.

For example, if your website is about “organic gardening,” use the keywords “organic” and gardening” in your domain name.

A word of caution, though: make sure your domain name is easy to remember and catchy.

Avoid Symbols

Symbols can make a domain name harder to remember and type and confuse users. So it’s best to avoid them and stick with letters.

You may use numbers if you need to add some variety. A good rule of thumb is to use at most two numbers in a domain name.

Also, avoid hyphens and underscores in your top-level domains, as they aren’t allowed for most top-level domains (for example, .com).

Use Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

A TLD, or a top-level domain, is the part of a website’s address that comes after the “dot” (.) and indicates the website’s type of organization or purpose.

For example, in the website address “”, the TLD is “,com”.

The most common TDLs are “.com”, “.org”, and “.net”, but there are many others such as “.edu” (for educational institutions), “.gov” (for government organizations), and even new TLDs like “.blog” or “.shop”.

Some TLDs are intended for specific countries, like “.us” for the United States, “.ca” for Canada, and “.uk” for the United Kingdom. Also, a TLD can indicate a website’s purpose or intended audience, such as a “.com” TLD being more commercial, while a “.org” TLD is more informative or non-profit.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages internet names and addresses. Over time, ICANN has expanded into other areas, such as:

-internationalized domains (IDNs): allow non-Latin characters like Chinese or Arabic to be included in web addresses;

-country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs): reference specific countries or territories

-generic top-level domains (gTLDs): non-country specific

How To Check if a Domain Name Is Available

Once you have decided on the perfect domain name for your business, don’t forget the last and crucial step. That’s getting the domain name from the registry!

You can visit a domain registrar’s website and enter the desired domain name into their search bar. Then, if the domain name is available, you can proceed with the registration process; if not, choose a different domain name.

Also, check if your target domain name is available for registration in your desired country. If not, try going down one level in the hierarchy and see if it’s available there instead (e.g., .com vs. .co).

Then register your domain as soon as possible because popular domains go fast.

Domain Registration Process

Domain registration involves several different entities, including domain registries and domain registrars.

Domain Registry

A domain registry is an organization that manages and maintains the database of all registered domain names. They are responsible for managing the TLDs and for setting rules and regulations for registering domain names under their TLDs.

Domain Registrar

A domain registrar, on the hand, is a company or organization that is accredited by the domain registry to sell and register domain names on behalf of individuals and organizations.

They are the ones for whom customers register their domain names and register the domain name on the registry database. They also provide services such as managing, renewing, and transferring domain names.

There are many domain registrars to choose from, each with its own features and pricing plans.

Domain Registry vs. Domain Registrar

The difference between a domain registry and a registrar can be explained in simple terms.

A domain registry manages the TLD name system, while a registrar handles the registration of individual domains.

A registry owns the rights to sell TLDs to registrars who act as resellers and is responsible for managing each TLDs database and maintaining its policy documents.

The registrar is what actually registers your particular site with its unique URL once you’ve purchased it from an authoritative source like Namecheap or This means that an address bar in your browser, like “www.” followed by “.com” or “.org,” denotes two separate entities:

-one who manages everything behind-the-scenes within an international network known as Domain Naming System (DNS)

-another which deals with endpoints based on customer requests through their respective application programming interface (API)

Registrars are also responsible for updating their server database with changes their customers make, such as moving hosting services.

Registering Through a Domain Registrar

Registering a domain name is relatively straightforward and can be completed through a domain registrar. To register your domain name, follow these steps:

-Search for available domain names: Use the domain registrar’s website to search for available domain names.

-Choose your domain name and TLD: Once you have found an available domain name, you can select it and choose the TLD under which you want to register it. For example, .com, .net, .org, etc.

-Provide contact information: Your contact information, including your name, address, email, and phone number, is required for the domain registration process and will be used for communication related to your domain name.

-Select a billing and payment method: Select a billing and payment method. You can pay for your domain name on an annual or multi-year basis using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account.

-Review and confirm your order: Before finalizing your domain registration, you’ll see the summary of your order, including the domain name, TLD, and the contact information you provided. Review the information and confirm your order to complete the registration process.

-Wait for the registration to be confirmed: Once you have confirmed your order, the domain registrar will process your registration and submit it to the domain registry. It may take a few minutes to a few hours for the registration to be confirmed.

Once the registration is confirmed, you will be the domain name’s owner, and it will be registered in your name for the period you have chosen (usually one year). You can manage your domain name, update your contact information, and renew it through your registrar’s account.

Registering Through a Domain Registry

Registering a domain name through a domain registry is less common, as most individuals and businesses choose to register a domain name through a domain registrar. However, if you wish to register a domain name through a domain registry, you can follow these steps:

-Locate the domain registry: You will need to find the domain registry that manages the TLD you wish to register your domain name under. For example, VeriSign manages the “.com” and “.net” TLD whilePublic Interest Registry the “.org” TLD.

-Check the availability of the domain name: Once you have located the appropriate domain registry, check the availability of the domain name you wish to register by searching their database.

-Provide contact information: If the domain name is available, you will be prompted to provide your contact information, including your name, address, email, and phone number.

-Submit your registration: After providing your contact information, you must submit your registration to the domain registry. This may involve filling out an online form, submitting a request through email, or faxing in a registration form.

-Wait for the registration to be confirmed: The domain registry will review your registration and may require additional documentation or information to verify your registration. Once your registration is confirmed, the domain name will be registered in your name for the chosen period.

It’s worth noting that not all registries accept direct registration; most of them only allow registration through authorized registrars. And also, the process is more complex and may require additional steps, such as providing proof of identity or passing a background check.

Cost of Registering a Domain Name

The cost of registering a domain name can vary depending on the domain registrar and the type of domain extension you choose. Generally, the price of a domain name ranges from $10 to $20 per year.

It’s worthwhile to compare registrars’ offerings to select the one that best suits your needs.

How To Renew and Manage a Registered Domain

Once you have registered a domain name, you should renew it before it expires to ensure that you will continue to have control over the domain name and that your website will remain online. Most domain registrars will send a reminder email before the domain name expires, and the renewal process is usually as simple as paying the annual fee.

Managing a registered domain also includes keeping your contact information up to date and monitoring any suspicious activity. In addition, some domain registrars offer domain management tools, making it easier to manage your domain name.

Domain Privacy And Security

Privacy and security are important for several reasons. First, it protects your personal information from potential spam, fraud, and identity theft. Additionally, it protects your business from unwanted solicitations and competitors from using your contact information for their own gain.

How To Enable Domain Privacy Protection

Many domain registrars offer a privacy protection service known as “WHOIS privacy” or “WHOIS protection.” This service replaces your personal contact information with the registrar’s, effectively hiding your data from the public. The cost for this service varies, but it is generally a small fee added to the price of your domain registration.

Keeping Contact Information Up-to-Date

You should also keep your contact information up-to-date, as this is the primary way that registrars will contact you in case of a security breach or other issues related to your domain. Additionally, if your domain is set to expire, an up-to-date contact email is necessary to receive renewal notifications.

Tips for a Secured Domain

Securing your domain is crucial in protecting your personal information and maintaining the integrity of your online presence.

Here are some tips for keeping your domain secure:

-Use a strong and unique password for your account and update it regularly.

-Use two-factor authentication for added security.

-Keep your software and operating system up-to-date with the latest security patches.

-Monitor your domain for suspicious activity and be aware of phishing scams.

-Regularly backup your website to protect against data loss.

LOJO‘s Domain Registration Services

Have you just started on the web and want to get your website up and running? Or are you looking for an affordable way to maintain your site without worrying about technicalities?

We at LOJO have got everything you need! Our Domain Registration & Hosting services offer a simple solution to help make your online business successful.

Domain Registration Services

Our domain registration services are your option to get a good domain name and keep it for as long as you want. You can register your own domains or even transfer an existing one to us.

We offer a wide range of domain extensions, including .com, .net, and .org. We also have free WHOIS privacy protection for all of our domains so that you can keep your personal information protected from prying eyes.

Our customer support team is always ready to help you with any issues that may come up during the registration process. We’re always here for you if you have questions about our service or how it works.

Website Hosting Services

When you choose our website hosting services, you get all the benefits of a high-quality, reliable hosting package without all the headaches.

We know running a business is hard work—we’re in business ourselves!

And we know that when it comes to technology, it can be challenging to keep up with everything. That’s why we’re here for you.

Our hosting packages are affordable, reliable, and scalable. You can choose the plan that fits your needs perfectly without stressing about paying extra charges later down the road.

Website Creation Services

At LOJO, we devote much time to each new client. We listen and ask questions about your business, finding out the best way to market your company through your website.

Then we draw up a plan for the steps we will take to reach your goals and keep you updated along the way. With our fast turnaround times and quality work, we’re happy to serve small and medium businesses.

Website Maintenance Services

But if you already have a website, you probably know all too well that it can get buggy and require frequent attention. That’s where we come in.

Save money on hiring staff to maintain your site. We’ll also reduce the risk of security breaches, ensuring that your website performs well on search engine results pages and, most importantly, reducing stress.

Give Your Business a Boost Online!

Registering a domain name is essential in building and maintaining a strong online presence for your business. And as you take this step, it is vital to understand the registration process, the cost, and the importance of privacy and security.

If you’re looking to improve your digital marketing operation, contact us for a consultation. Our team has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals. We can help you register your domain name, manage it, and make your website more attractive and effective.