Spaced Hyperlinks


Content Offers

Information sells

Focus On Inbound Marketing

They are only effective if it’s basically of value to your target audience as they address the question, “What’s in it for me?” any prospect or persona has in mind. These are examples of content offers but not limited to the following:





Informational Graphics


Review Guide








Interactive Tool




Case Study




Case Study

They can take many forms, you may explore whatever possibility that brings value to your site visitor that can incite interest to provide his valuable information.

Content offers are a great conversion tool of inbound marketing because they embody what inbound marketing is –“a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them.

While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have,” as Hubspot puts it.

Content offers are time-consuming in a general sense because you need to create value in order to engage your audience as their essence is to generate traffic, your visitors’ engagement with your content is what cultivates the relationship. Any content, for that matter, makes or breaks the relationship.

Any content you publish echoes the message that you wish to convey and reflects the brand that you carry. Your customers are your customers because they’ve found value in the solution you bring about and if in the long run they stay, then, that just means that they believe that you have the capacity to change their lives for the better.

Importance Of CTA (Call-To-Action)

CTA (Call-to-Action) is a short prompt or a piece of content which encourages your audience to take a deliberate action desirable to your business.

Your CTA has a pivotal role in the user experience of your website. CTAs are vital in inbound marketing.

The importance of CTAs are cited through their benefits that they can be placed anywhere on the webpage so long as it’s relevant, clickable, and sensible to your audience to take a specific and immediate action in alignment to what you’re offering.

So a CTA can take many forms like a button, message, image, or any other graphic element
that attracts your audience’s attention to take action by clicking a button to get what they want, such as, contact form, a video demo, a special deal, a company blog, an E-book PDF download, or something else.

Here you have a list of the typical call to action phrases you might find interesting:

Sign up

Register now!

Call Us!


Donate Here!

Buy Now!

Order Today!

Share This!

Follow Us!


Click here for- !

Reasons a Call to Action is Important

High conversion rates

CTAs capture your audience’s attention to make a deliberate action which is why they are rightfully named call-to-action. This short and simple marketing reference conveys a compelling message which prompts the user or website visitor to take an immediate action.

This makes more sense if you think about the buyer’s journey because you’re “on a journeying” with the customer to take the next step in the sales process. This directly impacts your conversion rates because a strategic call-to-action can take a stranger and take him to the next step of the sales process to become a customer.

A CTA is not only a button but rather a suggestion to gain more knowledge, expand their business or get the assistance they have been looking for to take that next step to their business growth.

Identified CTAs

The CTAs create a better user experience because they see what the next step is
and what could make things easier than a click. This is what customers want.

The excitement of clicking a button and getting a great deal to save them time and money often hooks the attention of the audience, especially with a convincing call-to-action phrase that could pull them to take that leap of faith. Whatever the reason might be, clicking the CTA is a determining factor between a lead and a conversion.

The importance of CTAs is for us to learn which one works and which one doesn’t in the advertising process. If we are able to identify the CTAs as quickly as possible, then, success is within our reach.

If this were a movie production – this steps takes us right into shooting.

The importance of CTAs is for us to learn which one works and which one doesn’t in the advertising process. If we are able to identify the CTAs as quickly as possible, then, success is within our reach.

Make Targeted Content For The Right Audience

Targeted content is content created for a certain audience to drive a specific response from that group of consumers.

Instead of asking the question, “how can I reach those customers?”, you’d better start asking, “how can they find me?”

While it is important to know the message you wish to convey and your target audience as it is it is equally important to ensure that you communicate the message clearly in a platform where they can find you.

You need to create targeted content that hits the bullseye and no better way to start that than by putting

value-filled content with well-thought-out and fully optimized SEO to get the traction you need in order to reach that level of sustainability and scalability as a business.

Research shows that 78% of consumers believe that companies who use custom content want to build long lasting relationships.

Using targeted content manifests that you have that sense of thought leadership that you know exactly the pain your targeted audience is going through while having the rock-solid evidence that your product or service works because you’ve been in that same situation and you have a solution to it.

That alone connects you to a set of audience and that will start the conversation.

So if you’re marketing to everyone, chances are you’re marketing to no one

because you don’t know who your target audience is.

Some marketing campaigns stand out better than others because they have nailed down

who their target audience is.

They have a buyer persona or customer avatar set so they can get down to business.

You just need to have clarity on who your ideal customer is – what they like, dislike, how much money they make, where they live, and their demographics. If you take these into consideration, you’re more likely to do better with your marketing campaign than targeting everyone with a blind or empty campaign.

Targeted content is staying true to speaking about what matters to your target audience. The success of every marketing campaign takes place when your message gets across to the right audience. And that can only happen if you know who your target audience is and to whom this content is created for.

Targeted content

shows that you know the needs and wants of your target audience. You can start with the basic demographics, such as the age, gender, income, and location but

this should not stop the targeting qualifiers.

Your profiling that you’re trying to come up with has to become strong so you get the right audience.

As you go on with your targeting metrics, you may also add the following, namely the marital status, job, interests, holiday preferences, and lifestyle characteristics.

This doesn’t stop until you nail down who your target audience is and how they can find you.

Be The SME (Subject Matter Expert)

If there is one glaring difference between then and now, as well as, between the digital immigrants and digital natives, that would be the amount of sources of information there are available.

Not to mention the accessibility of it.

In this day and age, it’s undeniable that there is tons of information available all over the world wide web.

However, not all is or should be trusted.

Some are even considered threats. While some are identified as manipulated content (misinformation, disinformation, fake news, etc.). Maybe, a few have been considered amateurish and unauthoritative

Uncover the ways how you can present your company as a subject matter expert through educational and informational content.

A subject matter expert (SME) is someone who has unique expertise and specialty in a certain area. It is important to note that SMEs can also be hired by companies and organizations to provide useful information about a specific topic.

With a wide scope of competition in any industry all across the globe, it’s no surprise that your company aims to emerge as a subject matter expert in your chosen field or industry.

Businesses that can give customers valuable advice, no matter how large or small, should leverage subject matter experts (SMEs) for their audience growth.

That’s because SMEs are individuals who are highly knowledgeable in their specific area of expertise.

These are people that you seek out if you have a question or you want to solve a problem. By providing a platform for your SMEs to share their knowledge, you’ll connect with more people and ultimately drive more traffic to your website.

There’s no amount of work that can’t be done if we have a ‘think tank’ working with you

who have has the ability to back up every business move with concepts, philosophies, researches, statistics, and other factual information.

As a subject matter expert, you’ll be able to ensure the quality of your content is high

and that it’s presented in a way that’s most likely to resonate with your target audience.

Marketers should leverage subject matter experts because they can offer a fresh perspective. By having someone who is an expert in their field, you’re getting advice that you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else.

This will help you grow your audience and your business overall.

The first thing to consider is why you need a subject matter expert.

The main reason to hire an SME is to improve your audience growth.

When you are looking to improve your audience growth, you want to find someone who has a deep understanding of your industry and

has a proven track record of success.

The importance of humanizing your brand

Imagine you’re a B2B software company that caters to small- and medium-sized enterprises. Do you want your organization to be perceived as a “tech guy” who is reliable, innovative and friendly?

If your answer is yes, then make sure that your branding should include excellent customer service and digital products that adapt to the ever-changing needs of your clients. Notice that in the example above, we use human-like traits like reliability, friendliness and innovation. This is because you need to humanize your brand since people only respond to people–it’s that simple.

But how do you humanize your brand?

At LOJO Marketing, we follow these “best practices” to make your brand more “human” and relatable to your target audience.

Share valuable content and engage with the right audienceThe idea here is to promote human interactions that create a fun, relevant or worthwhile experience with your customers.

Focus on human relationships rather than hard-core selling.

Today’s consumers don’t want to be sold to; they want to be informed about a product or service. Also, they appreciate brands that listen to their feedback.

Consistency is the key.

If you want to present yourself as a reliable and innovative company, your product, service, paid ads, social media posts, images, videos and other content should reflect this brand’s “personality.”

Take your audience behind the scenes.

Your website’s “About Us” page, social media posts and videos are great platforms that give “face” to your business.

FYI, no one remembers “faceless” brands and “robotic” marketing strategies.

Benefits of having a strong brand

Creating a solid brand is a long-term game. In fact, it’s a perpetual process in which you adapt to the market trend, changing consumer behavior and sentiment, and ever-evolving technology. Here are the benefits you can expect if your organization has a strong brand.

Effective advertising

Ads and branding always go hand in hand since you can’t sell something people can’t relate to or don’t recognize.

Effective Advertising is a result of knowing the audience, knowing your company values and what the service or product represents to the whole mix that speaks to customers with authority, knowledge and comfort.

More engaged employees

When you have a solid identity and your staff knows and believes in it, chances are they feel more invested in the organization.

The internal language and theme of a company can spell unity and harmony within the core business through the strong faith in the company from the employees themselves, at a genuine level.

More loyal customers

Again, a solid and humanized brand has no problem attracting and keeping customers.

Positive and consistent perception

You need a recognizable and trustworthy “face” that’s reflected in your product, quality of service, sales efforts and marketing content.

The Power Of Visual Elements

What does your company stand for?

The first step to building a brand is creating your visual identity, or a graphic design system. This includes creating a logo, icons, typography and color palettes and a whole style guide – it must always represent your business in a theme.

Branding and graphic design are an integral part of any successful marketing campaign.

If you have the ability to create top-quality images for your website, you will not only help define your own brand but be in a great position to offer a valuable service to your customers and others in your industry.

The visual elements of a brand are the graphic design elements that make up the brand.

A brand is a visual representation of a company, product, or service that is created with the use of a combination of text and graphics.

A brand is the visual elements and design of a company or product. It is used to identify the company and its products.

In the same way, graphic designs are used to promote a company.

Branding visual elements are not just for the benefit of your customers.

They are also for the benefit of your employees, vendors, investors, and other stakeholders.

Be that as it may, we believe that your brand is more than just a piece of graphic design but there is a message that you wish to convey to your audience.

As Jared Rosen, Wayfair Senior Brand Manager, puts it, “Brand identity is more than just finding the right logo to place on coffee cup sleeves or mount above your front door. It’s about crafting a personality that amplifies the core elements to your brand’s DNA.”

Increase your conversions. A strong brand development will help you increase your conversion rates.

Different Ways To Dispense Content Offers - Working With Logos And Website Redesign

Content distribution is the process of sharing, publishing, and promoting your content.

Content distribution is a strategic tool used by brands to get the right message in front of the right audience at the right time with the right quality of content.

Content distribution and management are more important than ever before. Digital marketers know this firsthand because they see how algorithms like the ones from Google are shifting to favor quality content. Sharing a new blog post or e-book takes hard work, but it’s only the beginning; you need a strategy to make sure that all of that content reaches its audience.

Without a distribution strategy, your best-quality content could stay hidden on your company website for years and never be seen by anyone else.

Developing and implementing a content distribution strategy will be the best decision you make.

A content distribution strategy is a plan for how you’ll get your content seen by your target audience. It includes both the channels you’ll be using to distribute your content and the methods you’ll be using to promote it. There are many different ways to distribute content, including social media, email, paid advertising, and SEO.

The best distribution strategy will vary depending on your industry, target audience, and resources.

There Are Three Main Types Of Content Distribution Strategies: Paid, Owned, And Earned.

Paid distribution is the process of placing ads on third-party platforms in order to promote your content.

Owned distribution refers to channels that you control, such as your website or blog.

Earned distribution occurs when your content is shared organically, typically through word-of-mouth or social media.

While all three strategies can be effective, the best approach will vary based on your goals and resources.

Grow your audience by creating communities of loyal consumers.

The Power of Backlinking

Backlinks serve as a sign of trust.

Google and other search engines use backlink metrics as a measure of popularity and relevance.

When someone links to a website, it means they trust them to send readers there too. It is like a peer-review for a webpage; a sign that a scientific article contains valuable information is when it’s cited many times by different authoritative and relevant sources.

It’s always a smart move to gather as many high-quality backlinks as possible–but don’t just go around asking people for them–you need a strategy in place first!

You are what you link to.

Establish yourself as an authority by building links that connect your audience with those who share their interests.

Your website deserves better backlinks.

Be more than just another face in the crowd.

Backlinks are about quality, not quantity.

Use your experience to rank higher on Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

Back in the day, Google was just a young company trying to make a name for itself in the search engine world. The company originally used a simple algorithm to determine which websites were most relevant for a search query, but eventually evolved into a sophisticated algorithm that considers over 200 factors to provide the most accurate results.

Google used to be the only search engine worth using. Then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other social media platforms came along and diversified the search engines.

Nowadays, if you want to be seen, you have to be on every platform.

But we’re here to help.

It’s time to embrace the power of backlinks.

Earning backlinks to your site is a long-term digital marketing strategy, especially for new websites and those looking to expand their SEO efforts.

Meanwhile, these are the things that warrant website redesign:

LOJO's Method To Content Creation

Producing the content your business needs to grow may seem like an insurmountable challenge, but it does not have to be.

By developing a thorough content marketing plan, you can create valuable, appealing content for your customers, prospects, and peers.

This step-by-step guide will guide you through the fundamentals of content creation and teach you how to put a content creation plan in place that fits your company’s individual needs and goals.

One of the main goals of a business’s content marketing strategy is to generate more leads for their company. While that might seem like a hard task but, digital marketers have found ways of creating targeted and highly specific content that speaks directly to their target audience.

This niche audience is called the micro-audience.

Every successful content creation strategy should take these into account in order to become an efficient method for generating content marketing plans with ongoing success in digital marketing agencies.

Content creation is a marketing and advertising method and the best way to boost your content marketing plan is to have a content offering.

There are many benefits of

content creation that can increase the effectiveness of your content marketing plan, such as generating site traffic, attracting new visitors, engaging prospects and customers, and enticing buyers to convert.

By providing what they want at the right time, and you can attract them with appealing ads or promotions that, which drives them back to you.

It’s It is also essential for you to know what type of content offers work best for your industry and when they work best (early morning or late evening).

Utilizing keywords helps people find your content.

Be sure to use words relevant to your business like sales, product, or company. Use descriptive words to provide context and make the reader feel like they’re experiencing it too.

Content creation helps build your online brand, generate more revenue for your company, and it makes people take notice of you. This is because your content can be used in multiple ways to attract, engage, and delight prospects and customers.

Creative mindset should be considered when looking for leads online with ads.

This will help you support your goal through content marketing strategies that are tailored to the consumer you are targeting or to the service or product you provide.

Content creation is a marketing and advertising method.

The best way to boost your content marketing plan is to have a content offering. There are many benefits of content creation that can increase the effectiveness of your content marketing plan, such as generating site traffic, attracting new visitors, engaging prospects and customers, and enticing buyers to convert.

To read more about this in-depth topic, read What Is Content Creation? by Tim Berner.

One of the most important steps in content creation is understanding how your business will offer content offerings to your target audience by.

By providing what they want at the right time, you can attract them with appealing ads or promotions, which drives them back to you.

It’s also essential for you to know what type of content offers work best for your industry and when they work best (early morning or late evening).

Utilizing keywords helps people find your content. Be sure to use words relevant to your business like sales, product, or company.

Use descriptive words to provide context and make the reader feel like they’re experiencing it too.

w y requires a lot of moving parts, and without this strategy, your marketing efforts will fail.

Here’s a 4 step method

that you can use to get started on content creation quickly and make sure it helps your overall business objectives.

1) Decide on the goals for your business.

2) Gather information related to those goals.

3) Create an outline of the content in different formats (written, video, audio).

4) Share what you create with others in order to refine or improve it as needed