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Branding Quotes To Inspire (You and) Your Next Marketing Campaign

Branding Quotes To Inspire (You and) Your Next Marketing Campaign

December 09, 202010 min read

Looking for a bunch of branding quotes to draw inspiration from? Whether you’d like to jazz up your business presentation or rally the troops somehow with some choice inspiring words, here are a whole bunch of branding quotes we’ve put together just for you.

Branding and brand-building quotes are often loved by those who aspire to set up their own businesses.

Words from experts and veterans in the industry incite creativity and passion to most people.

They may not tell you exactly what to do, but they impart wisdom to those who need it.

Branding is a critical aspect to a business because of the overall impact it makes on a company.

Your business’ branding determines the people’s perception or your brand. It defines the identity of your business and how it sets it apart from your competitors.

It is safe to say that good branding is one of the most important things that will determine the success of your business.

So we’ve compiled some of the best branding quotes from the most successful entrepreneurs and experts to help you figure out how you are going to create effective branding.

Here are the best branding quotes you can get inspiration from:

The Best Branding Quotes You Can Use For Inspiration

The Best Branding Quotes You Can Use For Inspiration

Warren Buffett

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
一 Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is an American investor, business tycoon, and the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway since 1970.

He is one of the most successful investors in the world with a net worth of over US$87.4 billion. Buffett is also a remarkable philanthropist who has pledged 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes.

Henry Ford

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” 一 Henry Ford

Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He was an industrialist and the chief developer of the assembly line method of mass production. He is one of the most iconic innovators and entrepreneurs around the world, which revolutionized the 20th century.

Branding Quotes to Inspire You

Paul Rand

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” 一 Paul Rand

Paul Rand was an American art director and graphic designer. He is best known for his numerous corporate logo designs, including the logos for IBM, UPS, Enron, ABC, and NeXT.

Rand was one of the first American commercial artists to adopt and use the Swiss Style of graphic design. He was also a professor emeritus of graphic design at Yale University where he taught for more than 2 decades.

David Ogilvy

“Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol which is the brand image.” 一 David Ogilvy

David Ogilvy was known as the “Father of Advertising”. He was a British advertising tycoon, and the founder of Ogilvy & Mather. His success was brought about by extensive research about consumer habits.

Laura Busche

“Brands can only stand out if they know where they stand. Values matter.” –Laura Busche

Laura Busche is the author of Lean Branding and Powering Content. She is an experienced brand strategist with a track record of helping companies in the public and private sector bring their message to life with a compelling brand story, memorable visual symbols, and a bold communication strategy.

Elon Musk

“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” 一 Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a business magnate, industrial designer, and engineer. He is the CEO of Tesla, Inc., and SpaceX. He is the founder of The Boring Company and co-founder Neuralink.

He currently stands as the third richest person in the world, with a net worth of $132.1 billion. Elon Musk was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2018.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Jeff Bezos

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” 一 Jeffrey Bezos

Jeff Bezos is the founder and chief executive officer of the multinational technology company Amazon and owner of The Washington Post, and the founder of space venture Blue Origin. Since 2017, he has been the richest man in the world, according to Forbes.

Howard Schultz

“If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” 一 Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz is an American businessman who served as the CEO of the world’s largest coffee-house chain, Starbucks. He was also the former owner of the basketball team, Seattle Supersonics.

Jon Iwata

“Your brand is so much more than what you sell.” –Jon Iwata.

Jon Iwata is serving as the inaugural Ogilvy fellow at the Center for Customer Insights at the Yale School of Management, an appointment he received upon his retirement from IBM in 2018, capping a 35-year career with the company.

Bradning Quotes to Inspire You

Seth Godin

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” 一 Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and speaker.

He has written 19 best-selling books, including This is Marketing which became an instant bestseller around the world. Godin was one of the only three people to be inducted in the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame.

Branding quotes to inspire you

Jessica Walsh

“If no one hates it, no one really loves it.” 一 Jessica Walsh

Jessica Walsh is an American graphic designer and art director. She is the co-founder of the design agency, Sagmeister & Walsh. In 2019, she announced leaving the partnership and formed her own, & Walsh, which is one of the 36 female-led creative studios around the US.

Steve Forbes

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” 一 Steve Forbes

Steve Forbes is the chairman and editor-in-chief of the business magazine, Forbes. He is an adviser at the Forbes School of Business and Technology.

Amy Cosper

“Most entrepreneurs go to market not with a brand, but with an idea– an idea that can be so soulful and personal that it can be challenging to present and explain to others… that’s why you need to develop effective brand messaging.” –Amy Cosper

Amy Cosper is the former vice president of Entrepreneur Media Inc., and editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine.

Branding Quotes to Inspire You

Richard Branson

“Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealised, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust.” 一 Richard Branson

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an English business magnate, investor, and author. He founded one of the world’s most recognizable brands, the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies in various fields around the world. He became a prominent global figure due to his work in retail, music, transportation, and humanitarianism.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Tim Ferriss

“Personal branding is about managing your name — even if you don’t own a business — in a world of misinformation, disinformation, and semi-permanent Google records.” 一 Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is a best-selling author. He has been listed as one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Business People and Fortune’s 40 under 40.

He has been featured in more than 100 media outlets and is a sought-after speaker by innovative organizations like Google, Facebook, Nike, Microsoft, and the CIA.

Marty Neumeier

“Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.” 一 Marty Neumeier

Marty Neumeier is an American author and speaker. He is an expert in the field of branding, design, and innovation. He is currently working as the director of CEO Branding for Liquid Agency.

Steve Jobs

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” –Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc., the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar, a member of The Walt Disney Company’s board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar, and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Simon Mainwaring

“Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.” 一 Simon Mainwaring

Simon Mainwaring is chief executive officer of the creative consultancy We First, Inc. that works with the world’s most successful brands to help define their business strategy, company culture, and brand communications. He is a global keynote speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and a highly-awarded brand futurist.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Walter Landor

“Products are made in a factory but brands are created in the mind.” 一 Walter Landor

Walter Landor was a brand designer and the founder of the brand consulting firm, Landor. He was a pioneer of branding and consumer research techniques that are still widely being used today. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Shell Oil, Levi Strauss, and General Electric all benefited from his genius vision.

David Brier

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.” 一 David Brier

David Brier is an award-winning authority in branding, design, and brand strategy. He is also an expert blogger with numerous articles in top publication companies. David Brier has helped design and transform global brands.

Paula Scher

“Identities are the beginning of everything. They are how something is recognized and understood. What could be better than that?” 一 Paula Scher

Paula Scher is one of the most influential graphic designers in the world. She is referred to as the “master conjurer of the instantly familiar.” Scher incorporates pop culture and fine arts in her work. Her iconic and smart images have entered into the American vernacular.

Branding quotes to Inspire you

Krista Neher

“Start by knowing what you want and who you are, build credibility around it and deliver it online in a compelling way.” 一 Krista Neher

Krista Neher is a digital transformation leader based in the United States and The Netherlands. She is an award-winning marketer, a best-selling author, and an international social media and digital marketing speaker.

Lisa Gansky

“A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.” 一 Lisa Gansky

Lisa Gansky is an American writer and entrepreneur. She was the co-founder and CEO of the first commercial website, Global Network Navigator. She was also the co-founder and CEO of Ofoto, a digital photography company. She is an expert on collaborative economy or sharing economy, open innovation, and entrepreneurship.

David Allen Aaker

“Branding adds spirit and a soul to what would otherwise be a robotic, automated, generic price-value proposition. If branding is ultimately about the creation of human meaning, it follows logically that it is the humans who must ultimately provide it.” 一 David Aaker

David Allen Aaker is a Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. He is hailed as the “Father of Modern Branding.” His work focused on determining brand equity and comprehensive ways to build and manage brands and portfolios. He has published more than 100 articles and 18 books, and has 114,500 citations.

A Final Word About Branding Quotes

No company has ever succeeded without having good branding. In order to steer your company to the direction you want it to go, you have to start with its branding.

Upon reading these quotes from the most notable people in the industry, you must already have a deeper understanding of branding’s importance.

We hope that these words will provide you inspiration and drive to pursue greatness like the ones who have succeeded before!

blog author image

Eric Lay

My wife and my boys are my inspiration. God has blessed me with wonderful growing experiences through the years. You name it and I feel like i have lived it. I look forward to future growth opportunities both personal and business. I believe things happen for a reason. We are all here to learn and progress. Fortunately we each have strengths and the opportunity to assist one another through our challenges during the journey. Specialties: Leading, managing, creating solutions, and strategist.

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Branding Quotes To Inspire (You and) Your Next Marketing Campaign

Branding Quotes To Inspire (You and) Your Next Marketing Campaign

December 09, 202010 min read

Looking for a bunch of branding quotes to draw inspiration from? Whether you’d like to jazz up your business presentation or rally the troops somehow with some choice inspiring words, here are a whole bunch of branding quotes we’ve put together just for you.

Branding and brand-building quotes are often loved by those who aspire to set up their own businesses.

Words from experts and veterans in the industry incite creativity and passion to most people.

They may not tell you exactly what to do, but they impart wisdom to those who need it.

Branding is a critical aspect to a business because of the overall impact it makes on a company.

Your business’ branding determines the people’s perception or your brand. It defines the identity of your business and how it sets it apart from your competitors.

It is safe to say that good branding is one of the most important things that will determine the success of your business.

So we’ve compiled some of the best branding quotes from the most successful entrepreneurs and experts to help you figure out how you are going to create effective branding.

Here are the best branding quotes you can get inspiration from:

The Best Branding Quotes You Can Use For Inspiration

The Best Branding Quotes You Can Use For Inspiration

Warren Buffett

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
一 Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is an American investor, business tycoon, and the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway since 1970.

He is one of the most successful investors in the world with a net worth of over US$87.4 billion. Buffett is also a remarkable philanthropist who has pledged 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes.

Henry Ford

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” 一 Henry Ford

Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He was an industrialist and the chief developer of the assembly line method of mass production. He is one of the most iconic innovators and entrepreneurs around the world, which revolutionized the 20th century.

Branding Quotes to Inspire You

Paul Rand

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” 一 Paul Rand

Paul Rand was an American art director and graphic designer. He is best known for his numerous corporate logo designs, including the logos for IBM, UPS, Enron, ABC, and NeXT.

Rand was one of the first American commercial artists to adopt and use the Swiss Style of graphic design. He was also a professor emeritus of graphic design at Yale University where he taught for more than 2 decades.

David Ogilvy

“Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol which is the brand image.” 一 David Ogilvy

David Ogilvy was known as the “Father of Advertising”. He was a British advertising tycoon, and the founder of Ogilvy & Mather. His success was brought about by extensive research about consumer habits.

Laura Busche

“Brands can only stand out if they know where they stand. Values matter.” –Laura Busche

Laura Busche is the author of Lean Branding and Powering Content. She is an experienced brand strategist with a track record of helping companies in the public and private sector bring their message to life with a compelling brand story, memorable visual symbols, and a bold communication strategy.

Elon Musk

“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” 一 Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a business magnate, industrial designer, and engineer. He is the CEO of Tesla, Inc., and SpaceX. He is the founder of The Boring Company and co-founder Neuralink.

He currently stands as the third richest person in the world, with a net worth of $132.1 billion. Elon Musk was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2018.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Jeff Bezos

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” 一 Jeffrey Bezos

Jeff Bezos is the founder and chief executive officer of the multinational technology company Amazon and owner of The Washington Post, and the founder of space venture Blue Origin. Since 2017, he has been the richest man in the world, according to Forbes.

Howard Schultz

“If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” 一 Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz is an American businessman who served as the CEO of the world’s largest coffee-house chain, Starbucks. He was also the former owner of the basketball team, Seattle Supersonics.

Jon Iwata

“Your brand is so much more than what you sell.” –Jon Iwata.

Jon Iwata is serving as the inaugural Ogilvy fellow at the Center for Customer Insights at the Yale School of Management, an appointment he received upon his retirement from IBM in 2018, capping a 35-year career with the company.

Bradning Quotes to Inspire You

Seth Godin

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” 一 Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and speaker.

He has written 19 best-selling books, including This is Marketing which became an instant bestseller around the world. Godin was one of the only three people to be inducted in the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame.

Branding quotes to inspire you

Jessica Walsh

“If no one hates it, no one really loves it.” 一 Jessica Walsh

Jessica Walsh is an American graphic designer and art director. She is the co-founder of the design agency, Sagmeister & Walsh. In 2019, she announced leaving the partnership and formed her own, & Walsh, which is one of the 36 female-led creative studios around the US.

Steve Forbes

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” 一 Steve Forbes

Steve Forbes is the chairman and editor-in-chief of the business magazine, Forbes. He is an adviser at the Forbes School of Business and Technology.

Amy Cosper

“Most entrepreneurs go to market not with a brand, but with an idea– an idea that can be so soulful and personal that it can be challenging to present and explain to others… that’s why you need to develop effective brand messaging.” –Amy Cosper

Amy Cosper is the former vice president of Entrepreneur Media Inc., and editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine.

Branding Quotes to Inspire You

Richard Branson

“Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealised, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust.” 一 Richard Branson

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an English business magnate, investor, and author. He founded one of the world’s most recognizable brands, the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies in various fields around the world. He became a prominent global figure due to his work in retail, music, transportation, and humanitarianism.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Tim Ferriss

“Personal branding is about managing your name — even if you don’t own a business — in a world of misinformation, disinformation, and semi-permanent Google records.” 一 Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is a best-selling author. He has been listed as one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Business People and Fortune’s 40 under 40.

He has been featured in more than 100 media outlets and is a sought-after speaker by innovative organizations like Google, Facebook, Nike, Microsoft, and the CIA.

Marty Neumeier

“Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.” 一 Marty Neumeier

Marty Neumeier is an American author and speaker. He is an expert in the field of branding, design, and innovation. He is currently working as the director of CEO Branding for Liquid Agency.

Steve Jobs

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” –Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc., the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar, a member of The Walt Disney Company’s board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar, and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Simon Mainwaring

“Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.” 一 Simon Mainwaring

Simon Mainwaring is chief executive officer of the creative consultancy We First, Inc. that works with the world’s most successful brands to help define their business strategy, company culture, and brand communications. He is a global keynote speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and a highly-awarded brand futurist.

Branding Quotes to Inspire you

Walter Landor

“Products are made in a factory but brands are created in the mind.” 一 Walter Landor

Walter Landor was a brand designer and the founder of the brand consulting firm, Landor. He was a pioneer of branding and consumer research techniques that are still widely being used today. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Shell Oil, Levi Strauss, and General Electric all benefited from his genius vision.

David Brier

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.” 一 David Brier

David Brier is an award-winning authority in branding, design, and brand strategy. He is also an expert blogger with numerous articles in top publication companies. David Brier has helped design and transform global brands.

Paula Scher

“Identities are the beginning of everything. They are how something is recognized and understood. What could be better than that?” 一 Paula Scher

Paula Scher is one of the most influential graphic designers in the world. She is referred to as the “master conjurer of the instantly familiar.” Scher incorporates pop culture and fine arts in her work. Her iconic and smart images have entered into the American vernacular.

Branding quotes to Inspire you

Krista Neher

“Start by knowing what you want and who you are, build credibility around it and deliver it online in a compelling way.” 一 Krista Neher

Krista Neher is a digital transformation leader based in the United States and The Netherlands. She is an award-winning marketer, a best-selling author, and an international social media and digital marketing speaker.

Lisa Gansky

“A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.” 一 Lisa Gansky

Lisa Gansky is an American writer and entrepreneur. She was the co-founder and CEO of the first commercial website, Global Network Navigator. She was also the co-founder and CEO of Ofoto, a digital photography company. She is an expert on collaborative economy or sharing economy, open innovation, and entrepreneurship.

David Allen Aaker

“Branding adds spirit and a soul to what would otherwise be a robotic, automated, generic price-value proposition. If branding is ultimately about the creation of human meaning, it follows logically that it is the humans who must ultimately provide it.” 一 David Aaker

David Allen Aaker is a Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. He is hailed as the “Father of Modern Branding.” His work focused on determining brand equity and comprehensive ways to build and manage brands and portfolios. He has published more than 100 articles and 18 books, and has 114,500 citations.

A Final Word About Branding Quotes

No company has ever succeeded without having good branding. In order to steer your company to the direction you want it to go, you have to start with its branding.

Upon reading these quotes from the most notable people in the industry, you must already have a deeper understanding of branding’s importance.

We hope that these words will provide you inspiration and drive to pursue greatness like the ones who have succeeded before!

blog author image

Eric Lay

My wife and my boys are my inspiration. God has blessed me with wonderful growing experiences through the years. You name it and I feel like i have lived it. I look forward to future growth opportunities both personal and business. I believe things happen for a reason. We are all here to learn and progress. Fortunately we each have strengths and the opportunity to assist one another through our challenges during the journey. Specialties: Leading, managing, creating solutions, and strategist.

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Growing Businesses Since 2008

We have helped hundreds of businesses just like yours. Working for or along-side of business owner, managers, staff, or even board of directors, LOJO is ready to be an asset to your business.

Our team has been curated through the years for individual skills, personalities, and capabilities. Our clients put their trust in us to help them grow. We are here to do just that.

Growing Businesses Since 2008

We have helped hundreds of businesses just like yours. Working for or along-side of business owner, managers, staff, or even board of directors, LOJO is ready to be an asset to your business.

Our team has been curated through the years for individual skills, personalities, and capabilities. Our clients put their trust in us to help them grow. We are here to do just that.

Matthew Rogers, President

iProspect Check

After spending several months reviewing multiple proposals from several different companies we engaged LOJO to develop a new website that represents our company effectively. We worked initially with Stephen Platte who helped create the scope of the project. Stephen was knowledgeable and always followed up with me on time and as promised.

He "closed the deal" for LOJO with his professionalism, service orientation and easy going approach. Once we signed the contract we were introduced to Jay Kelly who would be the creative lead for LOJO. This was the most challenging part of the project for my company, as there was no shortage of ideas from our side. Jay managed the project flawlessly, and once we had all agreed to the design, Jay introduced us to Eric.

Eric Lay is one of the founders of LOJO. Eric took the design we had developed and brought it to life. We delivered content as quickly as he requested it. Eric kept the project on task and we responded by exceeding every deadline for content. In turn, once provided, literally not a day went by that Eric didn't add the content and take the next step. In just a few weeks we launched our new website. Eric is a pleasure to work with.

His positive attitude and consultative approach really enhanced the experience and made a big difference for us in the outcome of our project. We would welcome you to visit our website to take a look at the quality work of LOJO. We are very pleased with LOJO and look forward to working with them in the future as we pursue an aggressive SEO strategy."

After spending several months reviewing multiple proposals from several different companies we engaged LOJO to develop a new website that represents our company effectively. We worked initially with Stephen Platte who helped create the scope of the project. Stephen was knowledgeable and always followed up with me on time and as promised.

He "closed the deal" for LOJO with his professionalism, service orientation and easy going approach. Once we signed the contract we were introduced to Jay Kelly who would be the creative lead for LOJO. This was the most challenging part of the project for my company, as there was no shortage of ideas from our side. Jay managed the project flawlessly, and once we had all agreed to the design, Jay introduced us to Eric.

Eric Lay is one of the founders of LOJO. Eric took the design we had developed and brought it to life. We delivered content as quickly as he requested it. Eric kept the project on task and we responded by exceeding every deadline for content. In turn, once provided, literally not a day went by that Eric didn't add the content and take the next step. In just a few weeks we launched our new website. Eric is a pleasure to work with.

His positive attitude and consultative approach really enhanced the experience and made a big difference for us in the outcome of our project. We would welcome you to visit our website to take a look at the quality work of LOJO. We are very pleased with LOJO and look forward to working with them in the future as we pursue an aggressive SEO strategy."

Matthew Rogers, President

iProspect Check

The team at LOJO were wonderful to work with. They are well organized and very patient as we worked through our marketing strategy and developed a well thought out and clear action plan at a reasonable price. We will definitely be back for our future campaign needs."

Jon Crosby, Founder


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